Edward Young Quotes

Text Quotes
By night an atheist half believes in a God (Edward Young Quotes)
A death-bed’s a detector of the heart (Edward Young Quotes)
Time elaborately thrown away (Edward Young Quotes)
The bell strikes one. We take no note of time But from its loss (Edward Young Quotes)
The course of Nature is the art of God (Edward Young Quotes)
By all means use some time to be alone (Edward Young Quotes)
Affliction is a good man’s shining time (Edward Young Quotes)
Born Originals, how comes it to pass that we die Copies? (Edward Young Quotes)
We are all born originals - why is it so many of us die copies? (Edward Young Quotes)
By night an atheist half-believes in God (Edward Young Quotes)
The man that makes a character, makes foes (Edward Young Quotes)
One eye on death, and one full fix’d on heaven (Edward Young Quotes)
Friendship’s the wine of life (Edward Young Quotes)
Take God from nature, nothing great is left (Edward Young Quotes)
Virtue alone has majesty in death (Edward Young Quotes)
Be wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed (Edward Young Quotes)
How blessings brighten as they take their flight (Edward Young Quotes)
Too low they build who build below the skies (Edward Young Quotes)
But fate ordains that dearest friends must part (Edward Young Quotes)
In records that defy the tooth of time (Edward Young Quotes)
Great let me call him, for he conquered me (Edward Young Quotes)
Too low they build who build beneath the stars (Edward Young Quotes)
And waste their music on the savage race (Edward Young Quotes)
Tired nature’s sweet restorer, balmy sleep! (Edward Young Quotes)
There buds the promise of celestial worth (Edward Young Quotes)
And friend received with thumps upon the back (Edward Young Quotes)
Poor pensioner on the bounties of an hour (Edward Young Quotes)
To waft a feather or to drown a fly (Edward Young Quotes)
He mourns the dead who lives as they desire (Edward Young Quotes)
The spirit walks of every day deceased (Edward Young Quotes)